Wednesday, October 13, 2010

WEEK 5 – June 24 – June 30, 2010 – 4 weeks old

I turned one month old this week!!! Mom can’t believe it’s been a month. And oh, how I’ve changed! I’m starting to be awake a little more now, and I can hold my head up on tummy time for over 10 seconds! WATCH OUT WORLD…HERE I COME!

Grandma Ward and Grampa Lynn came to stay with us this week and also gave Mommy and Daddy their first night out on the town without me! (Why they would need that, I have no idea…something about “adult time” and their birthdays and all…it’s crazy talk, I tell you!) SO, I got to spend some quality time with them and it was a lot of fun.

I also met a bunch of lovely ladies with my Mom this week. We went to the “DS King Mom’s Night Out” (I got to go even though I’m not a Mom ‘cuz I’m so small and so darned cute.). DS King is a group of folks with other kids like me – who have Down Syndrome – and live in King County, WA. It’s nice for Mom and Dad to have them as a resource and to meet lots of other kids like me that I can play with when I get older. We went out to dinner with some of the DS King ladies and generally, they decided I’m adorable. Who wouldn’t? We had a great time!

We also went to dinner (we get out a lot don’t we?!) with some of Mom’s work friends to celebrate one of them (Matt Young) moving on to a new project. I got to meet Brad and Glenda Gorter, Matt and Jen Young, Kent and Jim, Sten & Molly Nelson, Jess Fraser & Andy Chow. I had my first melt-down in public too! Mom thought I would only need one bottle while we were there. Silly Mommy. I’m in a growth spurt! I need FOOD! (Oh and I’m over 8 lbs now – look at me with the weight gain!!! :))

I also gave my Dad a big surprise this week while he was getting me ready for bed. I pooped my pants AND threw up at the same time! In the end, he went through 3 diapers in about 20 minutes and had to change my clothes…AND HIS clothes! It’s a good thing he loves me!!!

Visitors this week: Grandma Ward & Grampa Lynn

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